Zoom has live closed-captions that generate transcripts for your Zoom recordings. Before you can get the transcripts, you will need to turn this on in your Zoom account settings by following these steps.

Enable Zoom transcripts in your Zoom account

1. Sign-in to your zoom account on Web or Desktop

2. Go to your settings (https://zoom.us/account/setting), search for "Automated captions", and enable it:

Zoom - Automated captions

3. Search for "Automated captions", and enable it

Zoom - Save Captions

Install Tactiq Chrome Extension and it will highlight the necessary Zoom settings for you during the setup stage.

How to automatically save Zoom transcript

Zoom will only show captions during the call and give you vtt file. You can use our free tool called Tactiq.io to automatically save the transcripts in one central place even without need to record a meeting. Here is how to get a zoom transcript for free:

Install Tactiq Chrome Extension (free)

  1. Get the tactiq.io extension (free).
  2. Pick Zoom during onboarding or open the tactiq.io integrations page and click on Zoom Integration.
  3. Click Connect button and authorize Tactiq.


Transcribe your Zoom with Tactiq in real-time

Now that your extension is installed, you can join a new Zoom meeting and see Tactiq widget on the right side of the screen. See captions in real-time by opening the Tactiq icon in the widget. Tactiq transcribes Zoom in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian.

After your meeting ends, Tactiq will save these captions as a transcript in your Tactiq app.

All transcript are saved automatically

You can find them in Tactiq or in Google Drive any time after the meeting.



You can generate and save Zoom transcripts for free by recording Zoom meetings with live transcriptions enabled. All you have to do is follow the steps above. If you’d prefer to autosave the transcripts to google docs, you can use our free transcript tool Tactiq.io to save them for you.

Want the convenience of AI summaries?

Try Tactiq for your upcoming meeting.

Want the convenience of AI summaries?

Try Tactiq for your upcoming meeting.

Bringing AI into your meetings has never been so easy.

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